
The quest for the Java Portal - Testimonial

I was supposed to be an user of Java Portals, not a developer. Things like JBoss management portlet are annoying, but it is just a matter of user experience. At least JBoss Portal deploys with minimal changes. Actually, I only need to change deployment descriptors.

Portals like Gridsphere, Jetspeed and others are unusable to normal users, since they need to know Java very well. How can I replace Zope/Plone in my job if every environment admin will need to know how to use Maven/Ant/etc?

Is that hard to develop an JavaEE application that makes users' life easier?

If I need to do any developer task, I prefer to develop my own portal that conforms to JSR-168 without violating JavaEE specifications.

BTW, I'm talking as a Java Portal user (i.e. portal deployer/admin). I'm not talking as the user of the portal I will create with a Java Portal (i.e. my "costumers").

End note: I'll try JBoss Portal beta-1, since it was released this week, but I won't use it if I still needs that buggy management layout.

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