
NetBeans Code Folding

Tired of lose the fight against NetBeans MDR stuff, I decided to check out Code Folding. Pretty easy, indeed. I haven't done a full code fold example, but I was able to use NB 'editor-fold' pseudo-tag. Considering that you have the syntax support (see NBP Tutorials), the steps are:

  1. On your SettingsInitializer, you need to add this line:
    settingsMap.put(SettingsNames.CODE_FOLDING_ENABLE, Boolean.TRUE);
    This is not obvious, but it is the most important step. Without it, you will never activate folding (this was hard to find out - like any other "non-layer.xml" stuff).

  2. On your EditorKit, you need to implement the SyntaxUpdateTokens class and put it as a document property. Like this:
    public class MyEditorKit extends NbEditorKit {
    [ ... ]

    protected void initDocument(BaseDocument doc) {
    doc.putProperty(SyntaxUpdateTokens.class, new SUT());

    public class SUT extends SyntaxUpdateTokens {

    private List list;

    public void syntaxUpdateStart() {
    list = new ArrayList();

    public List syntaxUpdateEnd() {
    return list;

    public void syntaxUpdateToken(TokenID tid, TokenContextPath tcp,
    int offset, int len) {
    if (tokenID == MyTokenContext.LINE_COMMENT) {
    list.add(new TokenInfo(tid, tcp, offset, len));
    This will tell CustomFold which tokens it must use to find the pseudo-tag.

  3. You need to create a three-line class to add the sidebar to the editor:
    public class MyFoldingSideBarFactory implements SideBarFactory {
    public JComponent createSideBar(JTextComponent jTextComponent) {
    return new CodeFoldingSideBar(jTextComponent);
    This is a weird step. I don't know why there's no ready-to-go class to do this job.

  4. Now, glue everything in your layer.xml, under "Editor/MIME" folder:
    <folder name="SideBar">
    <file name="mypkg-MyFoldingSideBarFactory.instance"/>
    <attr name="org-netbeans-editor-GlyphGutter.instance
    <folder name="FoldManager">
    <file name="org-netbeans-editor-CustomFoldManager$Factory.instance"/>
    FoldManager can be chained, just like the SideBar. Making it easy to add a "real" code fold based on tokens.

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